Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Time, or lack of it

Time.  Why does it seem there is never enough time to get done what I think I need to do? I like to say “if there was truly evolution moms would actually have extra eyes on the back of their heads, extra sets of hands., and extra hours in a day”  But, in truth, that would only mean we would try to do more.
Last night I went to a real foods type of a seminar. It was very interesting. I learned a lot of things there, things I will investigate further to seek to truth about the things presented.  What got me, and two fellow church women who I went with, is- when are you supposed to do these things to make the real and healthy food our bodies crave? What do I cut out to make bread, yogurt, sprout beans and grains, drive (with the cost of gas!!) to purchase raw milk and pastured beef and eggs?  Better yet, have my own farm. Owning our own farm is something that DH and I very much want to do but not practical right at this point.  With three children left to raise, how do you do all of that and still home school and maintain a home life?
While I am sitting here trying to get my thoughts in order I have a mile long to-do-list running through my mind. I have the normal laundry pile, school to supervise, pe class to transport them to, plus 2+some dresses to make for my daughter’s wedding in a couple of weeks, And so I am sitting here writing for my blog. Will all of this get done today? No, because I still have dinner to make and church tonight.  Then there are showers to have taken, planning for our garden to do, and tomorrow.
So, it is only 11 o’clock in the morning and I already feel defeated by today and the demands on my time. What will I do next? What is on my agenda? I think I will pray and see what the Lord wants me go get done and let the rest go. Which is not easy because I see all of these as necessary to be accomplished TODAY.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

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